Just as committed employees already save lives by donating blood, signing up for organ donation or getting trained in CPR, learning simple skills to intervene with someone in crisis can support mental health and prevent suicide. Participants learn the warning signs of suicide, how to offer someone hope and where to seek help. Join the Employee Assistance Office’s Susan Fuszard for this free, evidence-based training.
“QPR seems like such a simple way to make a huge difference in personal lives, and is so easy to learn and do. Everyone would benefit from this training – in their personal life and professional career.” – QPR Class Participant
Tuesday, January 30th
1:00-2:30 p.m. in room 1106
21 N. Park St.
Registration is required: Please email Sybil Pressprich, Senior Counselor/Director of Career Services, Division of Continuing Studies at sybil.pressprich@wisc.edu
Kind regards,
Susan Fuszard
Employee Assistance Office Consultant
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lowell Center, Room 226
610 Langdon Street
Madison, WI 53703
Ph: 608-262-5455