Carol, Shelly, Chris, and Rich at the CSN booth

Carol, Shelly, Chris, and Rich at the 2024 Employee Benefits and Resource Fair CSN booth.

CSN Planner Heidi at our booth during the Leadership @ UW event

CSN Planning Committee Member Heidi greeting visitors and networking at the Leadership @ UW 2023 Open House event at Gordon Dining.

Members of the DRIVE Book Club talk about intrinsic motivation.

Members of the DRIVE Book Club talk about intrinsic motivation.

CSN events offer Learning with a side of Networking
CSN Planners Rich and Nancy at the Leadership @ UW event

CSN Planning Committee Members Rich and Nancy greeting visitors and networking at the Leadership @ UW 2022 Spring Open House event at the Memorial Union.

Jenny Faust teaching about distractions in the workplace.

Jenny Faust teaches about Overcoming Distractions at the Memorial Union.

Participants at the Crucial Conversations Book Club

Open discussion at the CSN 2018 Summer Book Club at Lathrop Hall.

Participants at the Recognition presentation.

A moment of sharing experiences during the session Fostering a Culture of Employee Appreciation and Recognition.

Participants at the Crucial Conversations Book Club

CSN members engage at networking events so you can connect with other supervisors, learn about campus resources, and discuss how to lead effectively.

CSN Planning Committee member Ruben Mota leading a presentation on Universal Design.

CSN Planning Committee member Ruben Mota leading a presentation on Universal Design.


Get Involved!

Want to be more involved in CSN? Our strength comes from the diverse experiences the members of our planning committee bring to the table, along with feedback from other campus supervisors regarding content for our website and events. The more people that provide input, the stronger our services and abilities to deliver on our mission. Please don’t hesitate to contact our committee chair at any time, and thank you for your involvement!