You are invited to register to participate in a focus group exploring the needs of managers and supervisors to influence the creation of professional development opportunities. Please select only one date for registration.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Ingraham 220
Register here:
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Ingraham 220
Register here:
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Ingraham 220
Register here:
Note: these dates are for those in a formal manager/supervisor role. If you are not in a formal role and would like to provide input, register for one of these dates: (8/27, 8/29, or 9/5).
Learning and Talent Development (LTD) is committed to offering high-quality learning opportunities that meet the needs of managers and supervisors. LTD would like your help and expertise in identifying what is needed for learning and development specific to you as a manager/supervisor.
We are at the beginning stages of conducting a needs assessment to determine needs for managers and supervisors. The identification of these needs will drive future design and creation of professional development and learning opportunities available to you.
To get us started, we have identified a six topic areas that we will focus on:
- Wellness
- Engagement, Inclusion and Diversity (EID)
- Change Management
- Conflict Management
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Career and Professional Development
Your input and expertise will contribute to a valuable layer of information gathered during this needs assessment. You will be a part of a small group responding to questions focused on one of the topic areas listed above. After the session, you will be sent, via email, questions asked in all focus groups and invited to provide additional input you would like to share.
Please contact Julie Kovalaske, , 608-890-0806, with any questions or concerns.
Thank you in advance for your support and input!