You’ve probably seen a rash of Linked in Local events over the past year – people getting together beyond email and meeting to socialize and network in person.
Don’t miss the CSN Holiday Mingle – a chance to catch up and socialize with some of your peers and presenters from past sessions. No speaker; just fun networking and mingling with other supervisors from campus. We’ll assemble at the Fluno Center on the 8th floor in Smitty’s Study Pub, with spectacular views of the University and Madison landmarks. Appetizers and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided; alcoholic drinks available for purchase. We hope to see you there—we encourage you to invite a friend to register as well!
Thursday, November 15 – 4:00-6:00pm
Smitty’s Study Pub in the Fluno Center
Non-alcoholic drinks and appetizers provided;
other drinks available for purchase
Register today at!