Yesterday I presented some material on Recognition and Appreciation to some managers at the UW-Madison as part of the Campus Supervisors Network community of practice. This was the third time I did this popular presentation to supervisors so they could work in their recognition programs in different units on campus.
My speech included material from many Linked In connections of mine: Kimberly Davis, Heather R. Younger, J.D., CCXP, Jeff Haden, Dan Rockwell, Lolly Daskal, Oleg Vishnepolsky and several more people. We talked about Brené Brown‘s new book Dare to Lead that I am currently reading, where she covers this topic and its importance. I also touched on the science behind gratitude, and wanted to share this post from Melissa Hughes, Ph.D. regarding the positive effects for YOU of sharing your gratitude with others. Enjoy!
~Rich Gassen, CSN Chair