University Staff Recognition Awards now open for nominations

The University Staff Recognition Award is presented each year to those employees who are recognized for their outstanding achievements. Nominations are open from 25 January to 28 February. Anyone can nominate a member of the University Staff for the Award.

These nominations can be up to 600 words in length, and are meant to tell the story of the nominee from the perspective of the nominator, and explain what makes this person special. The nominations are reviewed by a 5 person committee of University Staff shared governance known as the Awards Selection Committee. This committee is the sole decision maker and selects the 8 persons who each year are presented with the Award.

The Awards are presented at a public ceremony, at which the winners receive a certificate, a monetary payment, and a letter of congratulations from the Chancellor. Everyone who is nominated, regardless if they are among the final 8 winners or not, will have their names published on a ‘Roll of Honor’.

Click on this link to nominate one of your co-workers for the University Staff Recognition Award! The nominating period is open until February 28.