INTEGRAL Adult Autism virtual conference October 24

I am writing to extend my personal invitation for the members of the Campus Supervisor’s Network to attend this year’s virtual INTEGRAL Adult Autism conference ( It’s scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 24th.

Our focus this year is on the impacts of the pandemic on Wisconsin’s adult-autism community, along with all sorts of interconnected issues and problems. We have 38 expert participants lined up across nine topic areas, including employment, mental health, and supports & resources. This is a great opportunity for CSN members to learn more about the current challenges and supports for students and employees on the autism spectrum – and also for those students and employees to interact with this year’s experts.

I would also like to ask the CSN and its members to share our website and the attached flyer as widely as they may, for example on social media (for those who use it, at least). They could also share our Facebook page ( Given the gravity of the current socio-economic situation, we are trying to reach as many people in and around the autism community as possible – and any help with this effort is greatly appreciated.


Scott Allen
INTEGRAL Coordinator
Board Member, Autism Society of South-Central WI