Planners’ Picks:
A collection of resources from CSN planning committee members worth mentioning
Today’s PP is a mixed bag of content. We hope you find some of these articles useful in your leadership journey!
6 Tips for Honing Your Unique Leadership Style
Heather Younger says no two people lead in the same exact way, and that it’s these differences that make the workplace such a nuanced and complex ecosystem. And with a growing body of literature and thought leadership out there, it’s harder than ever to cut through the noise and carve out a meaningful path for yourself. So how do you begin to discover and refine your personal leadership approach?
11 New Strategies for Juggling WFH and Kids (Because We’re Going to Be Here Awhile)
For many families, the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic were all about stopgap measures and short-term fixes. One day, it was business as usual, and the next, going to work and attending school or daycare in person were no longer safe. Back in the early days, simply surviving from March to the end of the school year was a feat all its own—so parents focused on survival tactics for juggling remote work with distance learning and no childcare.
Simon Sinek Presentation on Empathy and Perspective
Leaders should have Empathy and Perspective. Real job of a leader is not about being in charge is about taking care of those in our charge. Listen to Simon in this snippet from a recent keynote. (The whole speech:
Great articles on understanding Results Only Work Environment (ROWE) concept
CSN has talked a lot about autonomy in the past, even featuring a book club around the idea in 2019. Results Only Work Environments have been around a while, but this idea has gained ground in the wake of our remote work transition due to the pandemic. Learn a little bit about ROWE and consider what aspects of this concept might work for your team. While not all of it may apply to a learning organization such as UW-Madison, many of the ideas are implementable in remote work.
Family Caregiving Resources for Employees and Supervisors
Due to the pandemic, many UW–Madison employees are now facing additional family care responsibilities, which they must balance with their job responsibilities. These new challenges may include child care, elder care, or care for family members impacted by COVID-19.
UW–Madison will support supervisors and department chairs in their efforts to help employees balance work and family responsibilities. Every employee concern will be individually evaluated based on duties, work environment, and workplace needs.
To assist employees—and their supervisors—who are navigating these challenges, UW–Madison has launched a new Family Caregiving website. The website contains guidance for both employees and supervisors on issues such as accommodations, workplace flexibilities, and leave options. Caregiving resources are also provided. Additional resources on family caregiving will be added to the website as they become available. The website can be found at
Microsoft Teams Essential Training
Communicate Effectively using Microsoft Teams
We’re all being exposed to more online tools for collaboration and communication. Get good at these tools, folks! They are our future.
This is a Linkedin Learning Module (UW has an enterprise license to access these and many more video trainings).