Planners’ Picks – October 27, 2020

Planners’ Picks: 
A collection of resources from CSN planning committee members worth mentioning

Today’s PP dials up what’s within your control, the mindset you employ, and ten ways to make 2020 suck less.


A Doctor Speaks on Leadership

Focusing on what you can control is productive in moving you towards solutions. In a recent virtual town hall on leadership, Dr. Mark Pochapin of NYU Langone Health shared illuminating insights that can help us show up more effectively for the people in our lives, no matter our vocation. Dr. Pochapin has been on the frontlines of the pandemic, in a leadership role at a busy hospital in New York City at the peak of the crisis, and he has powerful wisdom to impart from that experience.

“Anybody who is in a leadership role during this pandemic is emerging a stronger leader by facing it head on, realizing there are things we can’t control, but embracing the things we can control and saying, ‘How can we do better?’”  This article shares four actionable leadership lessons from Dr. Pochapin that will help you rally your team and keep people energized as your persevere through challenging times.

Controlling the Controllables

There is one thing that we can all control, and is controllable, which is our mindset – how we think, feel and choose to act. We all have the option and choice to take responsibility to effectively control the controllables. By empowering ourselves and others to adopt a paradox lens, and use the rapid changes, disruption, uncertainty, and the adverse Covid-19 crisis, as levers for shifting and controlling, the way we think, feel, and choose to act – our mindsets.

How Mindfulness Changes the Brain

Anyone working in a fast-paced, complex, challenging environment – especially those in positions of leadership –  should know that incorporating just a few moments of mindfulness into your daily routine will improve self-regulation, mental flexibility, memory, and strategic decision-making. Mindfulness is a pretty big buzz word these days. And before you dismiss it as new-age hype, there is scientific research and neural imaging studies to back it up.  Mindfulness doesn’t just change your mindset; it literally alters your brain. Check out Melissa Hughes’ short video and post here:

If you like this topic, then check out Melissa’s book Happier Hour with Einstein.

Book Barn: Brave Leadership by Kimberly Davis

Earlier this year, Rich Gassen wrote a book review for a Linkedin connection of his, Kimberly Davis. While we may think that we need to follow some kind of prescription to get results, the most amazing leaders are those who dare to be their true selves, powerfully. People want to give their best. How do you connect with others more authentically to tap into their elusive want? Brave Leadership is the essential guide for leaders in today’s ever-shifting world. Wherever you are in your leadership journey—new, seasoned, young, or old—if you aspire to be the best leader you can be, then this book is for you.

Coaching and Developing Employees – Linkedin Learning

Harness the power of coaching in the workplace. Learn how to shift from a command-and-control style of management to a manager-as-coach style of leadership to transform employee engagement and bottom-line results. Join leadership and negotiation coach Lisa Gates, as she explains how to establish a coaching relationship with your reports. Lisa shows how skills like open-ended question asking, listening, challenging for growth, and accountability can increase your employees’ autonomy and problem-solving capacities. The course includes assessments, exercises, and tools to help your team capture goals, map a career trajectory, and accelerate growth, along with sample coaching conversations help you see these tips in practice and understand their potential impact on your people, productivity, and results. This is a Linkedin Learning Module (UW has an enterprise license to access these and many more video trainings).

Harvard Business Review Podcast Series: Women at Work

Women at Work—Conversations about where we’re at and how we move forward is a podcast series with candid conversations and practical advice that’ll help get you through the messiness of 2020. Topics include asking for help strategically, how to negotiate what’s normal in WFH, and more. Check out season 6 (and access previous seasons!) through this link.

The 10 Best Ways To Make The Rest Of 2020 Suck Less

2020 has been the year none of us asked for or wanted. From a global pandemic, countless natural disasters, growing social and racial unrest, and a substantial political divide to balancing working from home and remote learning, navigating the uncertainty has been challenging. Amy Blaschka says the good news is that we still have a chance to salvage the year. Here are the 10 best ways—one for each week left of the year—to finish strong and make the rest of 2020 suck less.
