Planners’ Picks:
A collection of resources from CSN planning committee members worth mentioning
Today’s posts focus on dealing with the stress you and your staff are experiencing, and using gratitude to foster a better relationship with others.
Responding to Stress Video Series
Stress is a regular part of life. It can be beneficial and motivating and it can also be difficult and debilitating. Your experience of stress may be amplified at this time by the pandemic, remote work, socio-political unrest, discrimination, family responsibilities, or natural disasters that impact you or your loved ones. This three-session online webinar from the Employee Assistance Office (EAO) will help you attune to stress in your life, better understand how it functions, and to gain skills to more effectively manage it.
9 Inspiring Ways to Practice Gratitude — Even When Life Gets Hard
When you harness the power of gratitude, it can be truly life-changing. Not only can it give your brain a boost and make you feel more connected to others, but it can also change your perspective on life. These simple strategies will make a big impact on your happiness.
Dealing With COVID Overwhelm – Podcast Episode with Todd Henry
Have we worn out the phrase “unprecedented times” yet? OK, let’s just say that we are continuing to wrestle with the uncertainty of our systems, our expectations, our relationships, our team dynamics, and even the edges of our workdays. In addition to the overwhelming loss of those who have succumbed to the virus, another major thing that has been taken from us is a sense of rhythm. We are wired for rhythm, and without it we are less focused, productive, and engaged. On this podcast, you’ll learn some strategies for taking it back. (Some sales pitches from Todd Henry for his upcoming book and services within this broadcast as well; sorry!)
How to Cultivate Gratitude, Compassion, and Pride on Your Team
Gratitude, compassion, and pride make us more willing to cooperate with and invest in others. But because they accomplish this feat by increasing the value the mind places on future gains, they also nudge us to invest in our own futures. In so doing, they make both teams, and the individuals who comprise them, more successful and resilient.
Leaders: Demonstrate Your Trust Before Your Strength
A sketch note summary of my Harvard Business Review article with Matthew Kohut & John Neffinger, ‘Connect, then Lead’.
Putting Gratitude to Work in the Workplace
What if there was an initiative you could put into place that would make your company a great place to work? And what if it was completely free, required no special training and would generate results immediately? Dr. Melissa Hughes has an e-book that shows you the surprisingly simple way to engage employees and improve company culture, for free. When you sign up to download it, you will also start receiving a weekly email newsletter from her on helpful tips (many of which I have shared in previous PP newsletters).
Six problem-solving mindsets for very uncertain times
Even the most inscrutable problems have solutions—or better outcomes than have been reached so far. Here’s six ways the best problem solvers crack the code, presented by McKinsey & Company.
>>>Upcoming Events:
Live Webinar Dec 7: How a Crisis Can Help You Cultivate a Growth Mindset
“…the right mindset can help teams to better coordinate, innovate, and own their own futures, making it possible not only to weather the crisis, but to come out of it stronger.” – Susan Ashford
Harvard Business Review is sponsoring a webinar December 7 featuring Susan J. Ashford, professor at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and coauthor of the recent HBR article, “5 Ways a Crisis Can Help You Cultivate a Growth Mindset.” Disruptive, stressful experiences are often opportunities for individuals, teams, and companies to grow and do things differently.
In this interactive webinar, Ashford will share five ways managers can nurture a growth mindset in themselves and their teams including how to:
- Teach the growth mindset to others
- Reset expectations and revisit established practices
- Use a crisis as an opportunity to know teammates more and better
Ashford will share experiences of companies that have taken advantage of the COVID-19 crisis to change how they work. Register below: