Planners’ Picks – February 2, 2021

Planners’ Picks:
A collection of resources from CSN planning committee members worth mentioning

Seeing our shadow, we are motivated to celebrate small wins and accept feedback from others.


How to Stay Motivated When You’re (Still) Stuck at Home

After months of being stuck inside due to the COVID-19 pandemic, limiting exposure to friends and family, and juggling responsibilities at home and at work, it’s no surprise that many of us are dealing with frustration, anger, and burnout. Quite simply: We’ve had enough.

And while it may be tempting to just give up, you can rally and fight these feelings, to motivate yourself to not only get through this time — but also thrive. You can do this in a few ways. First, feel your anger and release it in healthy ways. Second, question what changes you can make to your situation — and accept what you aren’t changing. Third, develop a strategy for moving forward within these realities. Finally, remember to take care of yourself, physically and mentally.

Why It’s Important for Leaders to Recognize Small Wins

During these uncertain and challenging times, being an effective leader takes diligence, efficiency and an ability to keep up your team’s morale. One crucial key to fostering enthusiasm and optimism is encouraging your team to find meaning in their work and recognize their achievements — big and small. Celebrating small wins has a powerful impact on employees’ well-being, motivation, and output.

Six ways to ‘reboot your brain’ after a hard year according to science

There’s no doubt that 2020 was difficult for everyone and tragic for many. But now vaccines against COVID-19 are finally being administered – giving a much needed hope of a return to normality and a happy 2021. However, months of anxiety, grief and loneliness can easily create a spiral of negativity that is hard to break out of. That’s because chronic stress changes the brain. And sometimes when we’re low we have no interest in doing the things that could actually make us feel better.

To enjoy our lives in 2021, we need to snap out of destructive habits and get our energy levels back. In some cases, that may initially mean forcing yourself to do the things that will gradually make you feel better. If you are experiencing more severe symptoms, however, you may want to speak to a professional about therapy or medication.

Here are six evidenced-based ways to change our brains for the better.

Investing Your Energy Where It Matters In Times of Imposed Change

Presenter: Elizabeth Harris — Director, Collaborative for Engineering Education and Teaching Effectiveness (CEETE). Note: this is a recording of Elizabeth’s presentation at ITLC 2020 on December 1st

During times of great change many decisions with far reaching impacts have to be made quickly and with limited input. Without examining how we invest our professional energy and the potential return on our investments we risk expending great effort for limited results. To give ourselves the best chance at sanity and success, we will practice categorizing stressors in a way that enables us to clarify the expectations of others, prioritize where our energy should go, and to help staff and team members do the same. By the end of this session, you will have a professional framework that empowers you to establish foundation of balance, resiliency and effectiveness during imposed change through personal resource management.

Feedback, Failure, and Growth

When was the last time you received feedback? How did you respond?

These are important questions. I recommend asking them of people you may want to hire. The answers I’m looking for are: a) recently, preferably today or yesterday; b) because of the feedback, I course-corrected; implemented at least a part of what I heard.

Why? Find out in Whitney Johnson’s latest online newsletter.

The Best Managers Are Those Who Help Their Teams Succeed

Here’s How Google Knows in Less Than 5 Minutes if Someone Is a Great Leader:

Great companies are built by great leaders. (That’s why the ability to identify and attract talented people is almost as critical as the ability to develop talented people.) But since leadership is more art than science, how can you objectively determine if someone is a great leader?

That’s a good question, one Google has spent considerable time and effort trying to answer. It only makes sense that one of the most analytical companies in the world puts some of its analytical horsepower into determining how great teams are built and led. After years of study, Google uses a few simple questions to identify the company’s best leaders.

Group Management Consultation with LifeMatters

Wednesday, 2/10/21, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Come ask your burning supervisor questions, and hear what others are asking. Each discussion will be different, based on the questions brought to the session. Maybe you have questions about managing interpersonal conflict, addressing performance, supporting emotional well-being of employees, how to support yourself while you are managing others’ needs, or other topics. Even if you don’t have specific questions, come and gain information from the conversation. Join one or multiple sessions. LifeMatters is an online partner to the UW-Madison Employee Assistance Office.


>>>   “I have always been delighted by the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start.” – J. B. Priestly