Planners’ Picks – February 9, 2021

Planners’ Picks:
A collection of resources from CSN planning committee members worth mentioning

We dive deeper into personal development: reframing techniques, being grateful, and being kinder to yourself.


Can Introverts Have Executive Presence?

The answer will surprise you. If you are an introvert and a manager has ever given you feedback that it would behoove you to speak up more in meetings, raise your hand. If your manager is an extrovert, raise your other hand. How many of us, right now look like we are a movie character surrendering? Read on.

Reframing: How to Start Solving the Right Problems With More Creative Solutions

Start solving problems with more creative solutions by using this simple trick! It’s a handy tool to have in your toolbox. This article presents seven tips to reframe successfully, and you can even download them as a PDF at the end.

10 Powerful Ways to Give Thanks with Your Leadership

The benefits of being grateful — both personally and professionally — are numerous and well-documented. While we should flex our gratitude muscle throughout the year, it’s also important to take extra time during the holidays to pause, reflect, recharge, and re-commit to bringing gratitude to life in every area of our life. Giving thanks is about making people feel valued. And research shows the highest performing teams and organizations are comprised of people who feel valued. So, by giving thanks with our leadership, we can both feel more fulfilled as leaders and inspire better business results in the marketplace.

Be Kinder to Yourself

Talking to yourself with self-compassion will help you deal with a raft of challenging situations, including those you experience personally and those you need to help your employees or kids through. To use it effectively, follow these practices to build specific, personalized habits of self-compassionate talk: give yourself a gentle and supportive nudge by asking yourself what you need in the moment; use irreverence to challenge your beliefs; reframe a trait or tendency to take a more balanced view; identify your patterns of self-sabotage; borrow language from friends, quotes, or proverbs; and write scripts for common scenarios.

Attributes Leaders Possess During Hard Seasons

Shannon Bowling talks briefly about some traits that any leader exhibits. You don’t have to be in a formal leadership role in order to be a leader to others!

Attributes leaders possess during hard seasons:

  • An optimistic, expectant, & mature attitude 
  • Predictability, resourcefulness, & a growth-mindset
  • A vision & plan to bounce-back stronger
  • An ‘others focused’ disposition 

Questions to consider:

  • What’s an example of leadership demonstrated in front of you this year? How did it affect you?
  • What are the fundamental ingredients to being a strong leader to you?
  • What are some ways we can all improve our leadership?

Hire more for skills, less for industry experience

Assessing candidates based on skills, rather than their last job title, can help fill critical roles with the best talent. COVID-19 has forced companies to rapidly adapt to changing talent needs. While many companies have parted ways with workers, others—from e-commerce firms to grocery stores—are looking to bring more on. Many are struggling to fill open roles. This should spark organizations to rethink how they bridge the gap between talent demand and supply.

Enter skills-based matching: an approach that assesses candidates based on their holistic skill set (including adjacent skills across industries), rather than just industry experience or certain educational credentials. Assessing candidates based on skills, instead of their last job title, can help fill critical roles with the best talent.


TODAY: LGBTQ+ Inclusion: Hiring & Campus Systems

February 9th, 1-2 pm (CT)  

Join a facilitated discussion with best practices around student staff hiring and navigating names and pronouns in zoom, Canvas, and other digital systems. Dealing with a current question? Want to talk through a specific scenario? Send it along in advance to and we’ll help you feel confident serving LGBTQ+ students. If you need any accommodations for this presentation and discussion, please let us know.

Join the Conversation via Zoom February 9th, 1-2 pm (CT)

No registration required- you will be able to access the session 15 minutes prior to the start time by clicking “Join the Conversation” above!


>>>   “Spend each moment perfecting the next, not correcting the last.”  – Scott Michael Durski