
Elevate Book CoverToday I am grateful for Robert Glazer — he was willing to join a group discussion at UW-Madison yesterday that I facilitated for supervisors on his book Elevate.

The UW-Madison Campus Supervisors Network (CSN) conducted a 3-week book club to study and discuss the four capacities featured in Elevate. We learned how to elevate ourselves and others with some basic changes to our habits, learning our core values and aligning to them, and getting our physical and intellectual areas of life in more control.

Robert logged on to our discussion yesterday for some Q&A and advice on using his resources like the Whole Life Dashboard and the Four Capacities Quiz. I am very thankful for his partnership on this journey, and his openness to doing this. It was the icing on the cake of a very productive and educational book club!

Want to self-study? Link to CSN’s materials on this book club here:

Links to Robert’s book and the Four Capacities:

Four Capacities in Book Elevate