OHR wants feedback on Return to Campus policies!

Campus Supervisors Network (CSN) members,

Campus leadership is asking for feedback on the idea of employees returning to work on campus this fall. I have personally been involved in many conversations with CSN members about this topic in recent weeks, and have heard a range of responses and concerns from supervisors about their unit’s return policies already announced, and the stress of not knowing what to expect in the coming months.

UW-Madison’s Chief Human Resources Officer Mark Walters is asking for feedback on this topic. This is a chance for you and your employees to have a voice with the administration. Please fill out OHR’s short survey, and use the “other” option when it’s available to list specific concerns outside of those listed in each prompt. Through our actions, we can influence the way the UW-Madison work environment looks in the future.

Respond to the Returning to Campus survey at https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0e4WlbWvRuKsuiO on or before April 29.

Thank you for being a caring advocate for your team’s needs. CSN will continue discussions around the topic of returning to the physical workplace in the coming months; be watching for communications from us soon.

Rich Gassen

Campus Supervisors Network Chair