Planners’ Picks — August 31, 2021

Planners’ Picks

A collection of resources from CSN planning committee members worth mentioning

Let’s round out August with more on mental health, some change management, team motivation, and finish up with some communication tips.


||| Resources on Mental Health |||

53 Self-Care Ideas for Physical, Emotional, and Mental Health

By now you’ve likely heard of the trending #SelfCareSunday and while there’s nothing wrong with a good TLC on the last day of the week before heading into the next, the best self-care happens on a regular basis. So, don’t forget to treat yourself well all seven days of the week. And hey! When you have 53 self-care ideas, filling up those seven days should be easy.

Not having a great day? Things not going your way? Change your mindset.

Do you have feelings like you’re scared or not worthy? No worries, your intuition might not be firing at the moment. Give yourself the grace to know you can have unproductive days — express it openly in fact as a sort of acknowledgement of the pause in productivity; don’t keep it in. But also know that you will likely find inspiration again; tomorrow, or later today, or in a minute; and you have the chance to change your mindset for the better. Let go of that feeling of not-good-enoughness!

This from Andrea Sanchez in her recent conversation with Garry Turner – Strategic Advisor. She also states:

“What happens when we don’t express what is going on in our body? When you keep it in, you become someone you are not, and disallow the world to see your gifts.”

Andrea believes we were each born for a reason and we each have a spark. We each play a part in the energy we are putting out into the world, and we can listen to that energy by following our intuition and also by changing our mindset or being self-aware of our current mindset.

Great advice from Andrea Sanchez on Garry’s recent Right Here Right Now broadcast, and it made me think of the song Change Your Mind by Sister Hazel. Listen to their conversation for your own inspiration to start a spark in yourself and others. You won’t regret it!

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” —Henry Ford

Deal With Stress of Socializing Again Using Self-Compassion

Everyday magic, according to author Charles de Lint, is built through “inexplicable connectedness”, those moments of synchronicity when you realize you’re not alone. But despite humans’ hard-wired need for connection, the past year has been defined by disconnection — whether it’s from our loved ones, routines, schools and workplaces. And because the brain’s responses to isolation and hunger are remarkably similar, one could argue that we are literally starved for connection.

Fortunately, as parts of the world slowly begin to beat back COVID, connecting and gathering are becoming possible again. Self-compassion can be a powerful tool that helps us be less hard on ourselves when experiencing stress, suffering or failure. Plus, when we take a kinder, more understanding stance towards ourselves, we are more confident about and committed to our own personal growth in the future.


||| Resources on Change Management |||

5 Essential Tips to be More Adaptable to Change

So you are looking around and noticing that your team is struggling with change at work? They may be resisting change or even chronically unready for change. Alex Door of People Revolution gives us some essential tips to be more adaptable.

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”- C.S. Lewis

The Possibility of Risk

How do you overcome the debilitating fear of risk? One small bite at a time.

I found this discussion very interesting – the way to mitigate the fear of risk is to break the large risky idea up into smaller, more simple (and thus less risky) steps. Starting a business isn’t one huge step; it’s a hundred small steps, where you can complete and adjust as needed to keep moving toward your larger goal.

This ties into taking small steps each day to improve at work and in your personal life — you don’t magically lose 30 pounds; you start by making changes to your diet, walking (then walking farther, and then farther), etc.

Take a listen to Scott J. Miller and Sukhinder Singh Cassidy in this podcast.


||| Resources on Work Culture & Team Development |||

Linkedin Learning: Leading and Motivating People with Different Personalities

A person’s thoughts, feelings, and actions, taken together, form a pattern psychologists call “personality.” As a leader, you deal with so many personalities daily. To be an effective leader, you need to know how to motivate, lead, and persuade these diverse personalities. In this course, instructor Kwame Christian—business lawyer, Director of the American Negotiation Institute, and host of the Negotiate Anything podcast—steps through how to gain the skills you need to lead and motivate anyone on your team. Kwame explains how understanding personality and motivation can help you lead and manage. He goes over ways you can successfully influence and lead individuals with recognized personality traits. Kwame goes in-depth on how you can motivate people with different personal motivations. He concludes with a discussion on how combining personality and motivation gives you the leverage to create new and better results with your team.


||| Resources on Communication |||

Leadership is about your intention & how you communicate

Susan LaPlae Miller on Linkedin shares this infographic on positive intentions and negative intentions, for you to reflect on in your leadership journey.

One of your employees screwed up. Here’s how to handle the situation without killing morale

How would I handle a mistake I’d just made? Is it the same way you handle it when your employees make mistakes? How a company handles mistakes is a measure of an organization’s cultural health. Will a culture favor looking good instead of taking risks that pay off down the road? Will a team learn of problems while we still have time to fix them or only during an exit interview, when it’s too late? What kind of people do we want to be? Check out this great article from Fast Company on treating employees’ vulnerability with respect, creating psychological safety, and improving company performance.

“I alone cannot change the world. But I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa

4 Customer Communication Skills Your Team Should Have

Simply being “the best” is not good enough for companies today. Exuding empathy and considering the feelings of your consumer are just as important as putting out a great product or service. You can have all the right processes and procedures in place, but it’s customer communication skills like empathy, adaptability, attentiveness, and consistency that convert and retain buyers. Business leaders must prioritize customer communication skills and seek solutions to ensure their teams’ ability to deliver five-star customer service experiences consistently.