Planners’ Picks — February 8, 2022

Planners’ Picks

A collection of resources from CSN planning committee members worth mentioning

We will empower people, recognize people, share sensibly with people this week in PP.


||| Image of the Week: |||


||| Resources on Work Culture & Team Development |||

Exploring Resilience in Leadership in Mind Takeaway

Resilience in leadership is about showing up and being the best leader you can be, and you will learn that you can deal with more challenging situations than you ever thought possible.

The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® Model

Leadership is not about personality; it’s about behavior—an observable set of skills and abilities. When the co-authors of The Leadership Challenge, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, first set out to discover what effective leaders do when they’re at their personal best, they collected thousands of stories from ordinary people—the moments they recalled when asked to think of a peak leadership experience. Despite differences in culture, gender, age, and other variables, these “personal best” stories revealed similar patterns of behavior. The authors discovered that when leaders experience their personal best, they display five core practices: they Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart. Jim and Barry called these behaviors The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®. Together, these practices provide the basis for The Leadership Challenge®.

At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about what you’ve done with those accomplishments. It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.” —Denzel Washington

Empowering Your People and Seeing Leadership as a Service Role

In this episode of The Mind Takeaway, Peter Griffiths speaks to Martin Newman, an expert keynote speaker, columnist, author and advisor on customer-centric transformation and customer experience.

– Providing a great customer experience isn’t just about efficiency and speed.
– Leaders that do not focus on service can often overlook opportunities that impact the longevity and profitability of their company.
– The dangers of short term decision making and the damaging knock-on effect that can have on both customers and employees.
– Business owners’ decisions and employers’ expectations ultimately dictate how companies approach sustainability, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
– When businesses scale to a certain size, they feel they have to behave differently, losing their entrepreneurial spirit and creativity.
– 95% of consumer-facing businesses (maybe more) see customer service as a problem and are even ok with unhappy customers venting about lousy service on social media.


||| Resources on Gratitude and Appreciation |||

3 Reasons Why Gratitude in Leadership is Essential to Success

In business, a simple “thank you” can make amazing things happen. Productivity goes up. Sales increase. Retention improves, and so does recruitment of top talent. Here are 3 reasons why gratitude in leadership is important.

“I am grateful for what I have. My Thanksgiving is perpetual.”  – Henry David Thoreau

FP&M Shout-Out Form

Did you get some outstanding service from a facilities employee recently? Shout-outs are a quick way to say thanks, and will appear in the FP&M Employee Newsletter and on InsideFP&M. Use this form to give a Shout-Out (kudos) to a Facilities Planning & Management (FP&M) employee or team. Have fun with it!


||| Resources on Mental Health and Self-Care |||

8 Things You Should Do After 8 P.M. If You Want to Be Happy and Successful

We’ve heard all the stories before. The mega-successful wake up at dawn every day, conquering the world many times over, while everyone else is still fumbling around in the kitchen for a coffee filter. I’ve developed some great morning routines too, but what about the other times of day? Don’t they play equally important roles as well? For example, what are successful people doing right before they go to bed? Well, for starters, they’re not binge-watching “Shark Tank” until 3 a.m. — they’re setting themselves up to have a more productive day. Here are some proven ways to rev up success before catching some Z’s.

“It’s not the load that breaks you down; it’s the way you carry it.” —Lena Horne

10 Commandments of Mental Health

As our mental well-being has been challenged the last 2 years and we all know that “there is no health without mental health”. Héðinn Sveinbjörnsson is the self-proclaimed Chief Happiness Officer of Iceland, and a frequent poster on Linkedin. He states: “In the year 2004 every home in Iceland got a magnet and a pamphlet with the “10 Commandments of Mental Health” and boy oh boy we surely can use them now!” Download the document below to enjoy anywhere in the world.


||| Resources on Communication |||

How Leaders Can Open Up to Their Teams Without Oversharing

In the age of social sharing, people who work together know more and more about each other. In general, this is a good thing. Research shows our brains respond positively to people when we feel a personal connection with them. Command and control management is on its way out, and bosses who practice empathy and make an effort to connect are in. But, when leaders open up too much to their teams, they can also completely undermine themselves. So, when does sharing become oversharing? This issue often presents itself when there are new initiatives or changes in an organization, and leaders aren’t sure how much of their worries they should reveal. The best leaders are honest about how they feel while simultaneously presenting a clear path forward. This is called being selectively vulnerable — or opening up while still prioritizing everyone’s boundaries. A good rule of thumb for figuring out if you’re about to overshare is to ask yourself: “How would I feel if my manager said this to me?” If it’s something that you’d be thankful to hear, chances are, your reports will feel similarly. On the other hand, if you think members of your team might be feeling anxious about the project, it’s okay to surface those feelings to help them feel less isolated. Always try to pair realism with optimism, and share when you sense it will be helpful to others.

The Science of Conversation: 3 Ways to Boost Your CQ

Which is more effective in improving team performance: using positive feedback to let people know when they’re doing well, or offering constructive comments to help them when they’re off track? Dr. Melissa Hughes admits that this is a little bit of a trick question.

Certainly, constructive criticism can prevent us from making mistakes that often cost us valuable time, energy and money. But even the most well-intentioned comments can undermine self-confidence and team dynamics. Constructive criticism may change the immediate situation, but without positive feedback, it won’t result in long-term improvement.


||| Upcoming Events ||| 

Rethinking Stress – Action for Happiness

Join Action for Happiness for a special event with Professor Modupe Akinola about rethinking stress and how you can develop a positive “stress mindset”.

Date: Thurs February 10

Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Central Time

Online via Zoom

Focus on Facilitation CoP—Self-Care: Use it or Lose it

During these challenging times of collective grief, it can be hard to maintain hope in the face of uncertainty.  Many of us feel disconnected from our community and are having trouble staying positive.  In this session, you will learn some wellness routines that will help you maintain positivity, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your overall well-being, even through the toughest of times.

Presenter: Lisa Grasshoff

Date: Thursday, February 17
Time: 11:30 am – 1:00 PM Central Time
Log-In: Zoom Link

Student Employment Forum Series: Introduction to GROW—Guided Reflection on Work

Join the folks from the Office of Student Financial Aid to understand the power of mentorship in the workplace and how to facilitate student employee reflection to make connections between one’s academics and career after graduation. This is an introduction to the WiGROW program on campus.

Two opportunities to participate:

Tuesday, February 15: 1-2pm (CST) via zoom Register here

Thursday, February 17: 3-4pm (CST) via zoom Register here