Planners’ Picks
A collection of resources from CSN planning committee members worth mentioning
We focus on mental health and happiness in PP, talk about the “nice bias,” and organize our workload for more efficiency and satisfaction.
:: Image of the Week
“Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.” —Charles Swindoll
:: Resources on Mental Health and Self-Care
12 Steps To Set Yourself Up For Success – Why Brain Health Should Be A Priority
Have you ever tried to brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand? It might sound silly, but it’s also a simple way to exercise your brain. Many people know about the benefits of exercising your body, but not many people talk about brain health. I’m happy to change that.
As the most complex organ, the brain is our control center. We take care of the rest of our body through exercise and regular medical check-ups. Brain health is immensely important. Your brain is in charge of your body, and you are in charge of taking care of your brain. Thanks to neuroplasticity, you can change and heal your brain. Below, find 12 practical steps to program your brain for success!
Read on to find a dozen brain tuning tips from the expert Petra Frese, Ph.D. in her latest article for Brainz Magazine.
“Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair. Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the earth gives me daily, and I must return the gift.” Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass.
Action for Happiness Interview: Mental Health & Happiness with Prof. Richard Layard
The renowned author, happiness expert, and co-founder of Action for Happiness, Professor Richard Layard, will share his personal insights on happiness, mental health, and the future of the world well-being movement. This conversation with Dr Mark Williamson was recorded at a live Action for Happiness event on 31 Oct.
Sleep and Its Impact on Well-being and Resilience
When you begin your workday, do you do so with a bounce in your step? Or is it a major effort to haul yourself out of bed and over to the shower and coffee maker, let alone contemplating the energy and stamina required for the day ahead? The quality of our sleep plays a part in our personal well-being and, by extension, our resilience.
:: Resources on Work Culture & Team Development
Help Your Team Manage Change Fatigue
Change is all around us. And sometimes it happens quickly — without regard for our mental well-being.
This can be exhausting not just for you, but especially for your employees.
Because change fatigue has the potential to impact your staff and their performance, it’s important to learn the appropriate steps to help employees address it.
“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” —Alice Walker
The Most Important Factor That Predicts A Team’s Success
Have you ever worked on a high-performing team where everything flows and progress feels almost effortless? What makes some teams effective and others not? That is the question Google sought to answer in a study of high-performing teams. Here is what they found: The most important factor that predicts a team’s success is psychological safety.
Psychological safety was more important to a high-performing team than who was on the team or even the belief about how important the work was. (1) That might not be as surprising as it sounds. Think of a team where you were reluctant to raise your hand and ask a question. Contrast that with a team where questions were encouraged, and mistakes were treated as learning opportunities instead of errors.
So how can we increase psychological safety on our teams and in our relationships?
Here’s a two-step strategy that really helps.
- Start by saying what your intent is not.
- Then express what your intent is.
You might begin with these six words: I don’t want to suggest that…
For example, “I don’t want to suggest that this project doesn’t matter to me. I want to be able to prioritize this. Can we put something on the calendar to go through this in some detail?” This combination helps create psychological safety for you by creating boundaries, but it also creates psychological safety for them because it helps remove a fear they already have. When done right, this strategy can help you talk about almost anything with anyone – regardless of how difficult the topic or relationship.
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12 Ways to Organize Your Workload and Feel Better
Staying on top of your workload requires using a tested system for managing tasks and responsibilities. By developing the most effective habits and behaviors for using task lists, calendars, and other productivity tools, a knowledge worker can more effectively handle an otherwise overwhelming workload. What follows are 12 strategies from my Empowered Productivity™ System, a workflow management system I developed to help people feel less overwhelmed by their work.
:: Resources on Self-Leadership Development
The “Nice Bias” That Middle-Aged Women Face at Work
Both men and women are perceived as more capable or effective as they get older, but only women are seen as less warm as they age—causing them to be judged more harshly. Even as they achieve more on the job, middle-aged women can be held back by a perceived lack of “niceness,” new research finds. Read on for more information on this topic.
“Do or do not. There is no try.” —Yoda
Networking Is a Necessary — And Misunderstood — Skill. Here’s How To Hone It.
Want to learn how to network but don’t know where to start? Here’s a simple guide that shows you the term isn’t as cringey or scary as it’s all made out to be. It’s actually quite intuitive, and like most things, becomes easier the more you do it. So give it a shot, because talking to the right person could go a long way.
What Is Compassionate Leadership?
Compassionate Leaders can practice sympathy, empathy, and compassion as needed at work. They understand the definitions and distinctions related to each…
:: Linkedin Learning Courses
Linkedin Learning: Coaching for Results
Coaching—like managing—isn’t an intuitive skill. It’s also not a one-type-fits-all solution. To be effective, managers and leaders need to learn a variety of coaching techniques so that they can cater to the specific needs of individual employees. Executive coach Lisa Gates helps managers and leaders who are struggling with coaching learn the three basic types—coaching to improve performance, develop careers, and encourage high performers—and apply different techniques to get results. She also helps you avoid some of the common coaching traps and develop a coaching habit. The scenarios included with the course help you understand how the lessons play out in the workplace, whether you’re coaching to improve customer service, helping an employee make challenging career choices, or navigating conflict in a difficult situation.