Planners’ Picks — June 27, 2023

Planners’ Picks

A collection of resources from CSN planning committee members worth mentioning

We are ending June with more on our Summer of Gratitude, the end of the fiscal year, and preparing for a long holiday weekend. How will you celebrate?


:: Image of the Week

An illustration of slips of paper to tear off that all say “a real break” and the top saying “you should probably take one.”


 :: Summer of Gratitude Resources

Gratitude for our Newsletter 

“I just wanted to share that I really enjoy these emails. The topics & information are very helpful and often hits at just the right time!”  – Jennifer 

“Really needed the productive piece today! I very much appreciate all that you do for everyone on campus that takes the time to read and watch the content that you send out.”  – Rob

These emails came into the CSN mailbox shortly after we sent last week’s newsletter out to our 1500+ subscribers. Jennifer and Rob get it – letting people know you appreciate their effort motivates them to continue to do it more, and to strive to improve and grow even more. Because of them and the rest of our loving audience, we will continue to search for quality articles and other content for you! Thank you to those of you who share this with your teams, pass it on to other managers, and request that we register others to experience the messages.

An Anti-Anxiety Gratitude Practice

Gratitude negates anxiety by opening our awareness to everything that’s going well in the present moment. To counter anxiety with gratitude, try the following mindfulness exercise. Save the image to your desktop for future reference!

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” — Lao Tzu

Reframing in Gratitude

Think about a story you told where you might be seen as a victim or a complainer, can you think of a different perspective or framing you can take in telling that story? Listen to Sarah Elkins telling a story she experienced recently, and how reframing it in gratitude changed the whole feeling of it.

Can you think of a different perspective or framing you can take in telling that story? Ask yourself these questions:

• Is there a lesson in that experience? (Would you do it differently next time?)
• Did I learn something about myself? (Self-reflection inspires others to trust you.)
• Did someone offer help or support? (A positive character can shift the story.)

Reframing experiences that may have not been great can strengthen your natural talents. Keeping track of what makes you satisfied and using your natural skills to bring more of that type of situation into your day-to-day life will make future experiences more satisfying as a result.

Gratitude Bingo

Nancy Depcik of Unshakeable Success shared a Gratitude Bingo game with CSN recently. This can be used at those times when you are facing challenges that make you feel like you have nothing to be grateful for. It’s a start to helping you flip the switch so you can focus on the positive instead of wallowing in the negative. After all, you do have a choice. Go to our Summer of Gratitude page on the website to access the bingo card.


:: Resources on Mental Health and Self-Care

50 Powerful Ways to Become a Better Person

What does it mean to become a better person? Better yet, where do you start?

Becoming a better person will require dedication on your part — and then commitment to keeping that promise to yourself. If that sounds intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. It’s important to set ambitious, yet realistic, short-term goals as you pursue your long-term interests. Remember, small wins provide momentum, while long-term goals enable you to win big.


:: Resources on Work Culture & Team Development

3 Non-Cash Incentives That Really Retain Staff

Staff retention is a perennial concern, no matter the industry or economic climate. It is business critical and a non-negotiable for performance. Our recent times have seen an Everest-like challenge to retain talent, leaving an enduring wound in the psyche of managers and leaders.

Retention isn’t just about salaries. For true sticking power, there is much more you can do. Non-cash incentives can be a potent stimulus to behavior. The art of incentivizing is much more than gifting people with additional perks. To really retain your employees, immerse yourself in the complexity and sentiment of how they feel about work, career, and their newborn rights.

The ROI of Caring Leadership

Read a recent report on the benefits and ROI of supporting a caring leadership style in your workplace. There is a direct connection between prioritizing and investing in a supportive culture of care where employees feel seen, valued, and cared for, and higher-performing talent-attracting organizations. The folks at Inspiring Comfort have compiled a collection of resources that demonstrate a massive return on investment in caring leadership.

“All of the great things in life were when I was reaching out.”  – A blind mountain climber in the film Gratitude Revealed

The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

Those of us who have a preference for introversion often are misunderstood by colleagues and organizations. In this episode of the Coaching for Leaders podcast, they explore how introverts can bring value to organizations and highlight the research of Susan Cain, author of the New York Times Bestseller, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking. CSN covered Cain’s book a few years ago in a session, and it’s an important topic to consider when leading a team.


:: Resources on Self-Leadership Development

5 No-No’s for New Bosses

New bosses have a lot of company these days. Many of those new slots will be filled by millennials and Gen Z-aged workers, who will make up nearly 60% of the workforce by the end of the decade.

Becoming the boss can be as daunting as it is exciting. With the extra pay and responsibility comes the opportunity to make first-time leadership mistakes. Experts say those early errors can be extremely costly. “As soon as you’ve lost the trust of your team, it is incredibly difficult to build that back up,” says Stacey Perkins, career coach at Korn Ferry Advance. “If there’s a strain in that relationship, it ultimately starts breaking down and can have impacts across the organization.”

For better or worse, the culture that leaders establish in their first weeks sets the tone for their tenure. We asked Korn Ferry leadership experts what the five biggest new-boss no-no’s are, and how to combat them.


:: Resources on Communication

How Might Listening Enhance the Art of Collaboration?

Arlene Mendoza speaks of some suggestions for active listening in a Linkedin post. Not only listening to the words but also observing other things like tone, body language, and more. She also lists three phrases to uncover more in a conversation. What questions or prompts have you found support the Collaborative Spirit?


:: Award Winning IT Teams and Individuals

Meet the 2023 IT Recognition Award Winners

The university is a living, breathing thing, and it runs on the blood and sweat of many people, including some awesome IT employees. Recently, some of that community was recognized for their great contributions. Awards were presented as part of the IT Professionals Conferences on June 2nd. Read on for all of the winners!


:: Upcoming Events

Gratitude Encounters with Kevin Monroe

Want to take your gratitude to another level? Join Kevin Monroe for a Free Gratitude Encounter™, a 60-minute guided exploration and expression of gratitude. People describe these as energizing, heartwarming, reinvigorating, and soulful. Our encounters happen on the first Tuesday of every month.

What is that? A time to explore, express, and experience gratitude through a guided encounter. These encounters prove to be heart-expanding experiences every time, so consider this event for yourself!

Upcoming Dates are:

Note: this is not a UW-sanctioned event, but members of CSN’s planning committee will be attending.

CSN Summer Book Club featuring The Art of Active Listening: How People at Work Feel Heard, Valued, and Understood

The Art of Active Listening Book CoverWhen employees, colleagues, and customers are not being heard, organizational culture, employee happiness, and overall organizational success will suffer. How well do you listen?

Active listening is the doorway to increased belonging, loyalty, profitability, innovation, and so much more. It is the difference between thinking we understand what people want and knowing what they want. Want to build stronger relationships, avoid misunderstandings, and anticipate problems before they surface at work?

All you have to do is listen. The Art of Active Listening introduces a 5-step framework that shows you how to listen successfully and act upon what you are hearing. Readers will discover how to:

  1. Recognize the unsaid
  2. Seek to understand
  3. Decode
  4. Act
  5. Close the loop

Using the tools provided in this book, you can implement active listening, regardless of whether you’re in-person or virtual, that benefits all team members and customers, strengthens overall engagement, improves organizational culture, and creates a space for everyone to have a voice. When those at work feel heard, they will do whatever it takes to achieve outcomes that serve your relationship and your organization.

Join us July 12 and July 26, 11:00 am-12:30 pm on Zoom

(Please only register if you are available for both sessions)

This event will fill up fast — don’t delay if you are interested in this topic.

The book, and other resources, will be provided to all participants.

Register here: (Only a few seats left!)