Super excited to learn more about the newly-revised Principles of Supervision and Management (PSM) training program today at the Campus Supervisors Network-sponsored event on campus. It’s great that our HR office works so hard to …

The last page.

CSN’s final book club for The Clover Practice is this afternoon, and we will be blessed with author Kathleen A. Paris at the session. We are so grateful for her partnership during this summer’s book …

Tell someone about CSN!

Tell your friends! Tell your enemies! So you know about Campus Supervisors Network, but do your peers in management also know about us? So often, at one of our informative sessions or book club meetings, …

Do you use LinkedIn? So does CSN!

Our group is growing! Today we surpassed 50 members for CSN’s online group — and we are just getting started! Along with our email list of over 400 subscribers, LinkedIn offers another platform for CSN …

Statue of Liberty on Lake Mendota

Did You Know? Many years ago, the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Pail and Shovel Party promised that, if elected to student government, they would move the Statue of Liberty to Lake Mendota, and they made good …