Planners’ Picks:
A collection of resources from CSN planning committee members worth mentioning
Let’s start July off with a *BANG*: we’ll celebrate our independence and autonomy to learn new things, express gratitude for better health, and learn how to engage our staff more effectively.
Control Your Own Learning for Personal Growth
You are in control of your learning! But sometimes, with the day-to-day demands of our lives, we forget to add learning opportunities into our schedules. Read how the CPED office suggests you proceed with personal development and lifelong learning.
How to Train Your Mind to Focus on the Positive
When something goes wrong at work, it’s normal to take that negative experience and hold onto it for the rest of the day — or maybe even for the whole week. That tendency is a product of how our brains are wired, notes social psychologist Alison Ledgerwood, Ph.D., an associate professor at the University of California, Davis. “Our view of the world has a fundamental tendency to tilt toward the negative,” she says in her TED Talk. “There’s a lot of research that shows we literally have to work harder to see the upside of things.”
Here are a few ways you can train your mind to reframe your failures, let go of negativity, and focus on the good.
“By knowing who you are and what you stand for, you come to life’s choices with the most powerful tool of all: your full self.” – Dr. Susan David, author of Emotional Agility
Action for Happiness July Calendar
Download the Action for Happiness monthly calendar! This month’s theme is all about resilience and understanding how we can build skills that will help us to bounce back. We can’t always predict or control what life throws at us, but we can build a range of skills and nurture our resources to help us respond flexibly, effectively deal with challenges, recover more quickly and even learn and grow as a result. We’d love you to share our calendar below with its suggestions for how to build resilience this month.
Why Maintaining a Sense of Gratitude Could Improve Your Health and Wellbeing
As it turns out, there’s something to that old adage about counting your blessings. Indeed, studies suggest maintaining a sense of gratitude is good for both mind and body.
Maintaining an attitude of gratitude has a host of physical, psychological and social benefits, said Robert A. Emmons, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, and editor-in-chief of The Journal of Positive Psychology.
In addition to fostering feelings of joy, optimism and compassion, “gratitude lights up parts of the brain’s reward pathway and the hypothalamus, which controls the release of hormones that regulate bodily processes,” he said.
Why You Need Healthy Conflict at Work (and 3 Ways to Create it)
Author and speaker Charlene Li says “I have a hard time disagreeing with people. As a woman of Asian descent, I’m culturally inclined to smooth over differences and conflicts rather than pursue them. It served me throughout my career to do everything possible to make sure everybody gets along.”
“But avoiding disagreements is terrible for leadership and business. When things are left unsaid, you tarnish relationships and lose diversity of viewpoints. Relationships and trust aren’t as strong as they need to be to drive disruption. While avoiding conflict might feel like a relief today, you’re guaranteeing poor outcomes and even failure in the future.”
Check out her suggestions on 3 ways to create healthy conflict in the workplace.
10 Ways to Engage Employees (and Yourself) to Drive Human Performance
Leadership Coach Marcel Schwantes has done a lot of work around coaching and training leaders to effectively engage their workforce. In case “employee engagement” sounds like fluff, case study after case study proves how it drives organizational performance, especially during tough economic times and massive disruption, like a global pandemic. In Gallup research, companies with the highest employee engagement have the best financial performance, even in tough economic times. For anyone in a management role, the question should be an obvious one: how do I engage my employees?
“The true measure of a successful leader is their ability to discover the hidden talent in those they lead and challenge them to achieve greatness.” ~ Henry Ford
Leadership With Heart Podcast with Garry Turner: Leaders With Heart Ask For Help
In this episode of the Leadership With Heart podcast, Heather Younger (author of this month’s CSN Book Club book) interviews Garry Turner – International Product Manager for IMCD Group. Garry shows up in his most authentic self in this episode. Garry is someone who believes being vulnerable is the key to connection and community. Listen in for work, personal, and life advice from two strangers from across the globe who have developed a genuine friendship.
Upcoming Events
Linkedin Live Event: How to Improve Teamwork in the Workplace
Event by Jim Collison of CliftonStrengths
Monday, July 19, 12:30-1:00pm CT
Register for the Linkedin Live event below: