Planners’ Picks — August 10, 2021

Planners’ Picks:

A collection of resources from CSN planning committee members worth mentioning

This week we storm through trust, hybrid team management, belonging, and speaking up skillfully in CSN’s collection of resources.


Navigating the Return to School Concerns of Working Parents using EQ

Kids around the country are going back to school right now, and working parents are not OK. Sarah Johnston talks about how to handle conversations with emotional intelligence around this topic.

People Who Embrace These 5 Simple Habits Have Very High Emotional Intelligence

In this article you’ll find five pointed questions about emotional intelligence, each of which asks whether you make habits out of certain behaviors. Figure out your honest answer to each one.

“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” – Aristotle

Trust is Crucial in Remote Work Settings

Shawn Belling’s latest book “Remotely Possible” has been available for about a month, and he had the official launch event in collaboration with the Wisconsin School of Business Center for Professional and Executive Development (CPED) this past week. This post talks about trust as it relates to leadership, culture, accountability and more.

Staying Visible When Your Team Is in the Office…But You’re WFH

How can you stay visible if you plan to work remotely full-time or most of the time while the rest of your colleagues are in the office? The author offers four ways to ensure that you’re viewed as a valued contributor on your team:

  1. Recognize and guard against the negative assumptions that can come with remote work
  2. Fight against the pull toward transactional relationships
  3. Make yourself physically visible. Keep your camera on when possible
  4. Ensure you’re easy to work with

“Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.” Captain Jack Sparrow

Fostering a Culture of Belonging in the Hybrid Workplace

We talked a lot about belonging in our recent book club at CSN. Research has shown that when employees feel that they belong to a team or organization, they will not only tend to perform better, but also experience higher levels of engagement and well-being. But our feeling of belonging at work has become challenged over the past year as we’ve shifted away from in-person interactions and found ourselves relying on video calls and screen activities to stay connected. As the experience of culture has become more diffused, elusive, and subjective, how can senior leaders foster a greater sense of belonging among employees? This article covers three major challenges that must be addressed.

Back to Networking? Here’s 3 things that might help get back into the swing of things

Executive coach Sarah Gibson have seen many people posting about their experiences going back to work and interacting with people whom they have only meet virtually. It made me think we all want to feel welcome, but how do you help to make sure that others feel welcomed into a group? Sarah gives us three tips in this post.

The “How to Have a Good Day” Journaling Practice

Do you journal? Carolyn Webb, author of How to Have a Good Day, recommends you do to set good intentions and clear the mind. She’s recently rebooted her handwritten journaling practice, and says she’s remembering how much she love it. “I make better use of my mornings (always tough as a night-time person) and I sleep better for having closed off the day in a thoughtful way.”

If this appeals to you, you might be interested to see the printable daily journal page that she uses, created to remind her of the thoughts and actions that we all know are core to good days. There’s a morning plan for intentions and mental preparation around challenges ahead, and an evening reflection including gratitude, learning, and sources of energy. You can print one each day and it’s been invaluable in providing an anchor and a nudge for all the other habits that you value. We’ve made it easy for you to access it, in Box, without having to subscribe to Carolyn’s weekly newsletter (though you are welcome to do that too.)

Kicking yourself for not saying something at a meeting? Here’s how to speak up skillfully

Ever silently berate yourself at work for not standing up for a colleague, letting people say things that are inaccurate or misleading, or just allowing others to talk over you?

“At work, you don’t always say what you think needs to be said, and it’s not just you,” says Molly Tschang, a consultant, executive coach and business consultant, in a TEDxBeaconStreet Talk. “Your co-workers are holding back, too.” All this tongue-biting is not only self-sabotaging, but it’s detrimental to your team and your workplace. That’s because when you hold back, “neither you nor your organization are fulfilling your true potential,” explains Tshang, who helps CEOs and senior management leaders communicate more effectively. Of course, it’s not always so easy to speak up. Tschang offers four tips to help you do it skillfully.


Webinar Replay:

How to Get Your Habits Back on Track

Watch this replay of last week’s live broadcast as Scott Robley, master trainer and behavior change expert at VitalSmarts, shares:

  • How to change stubborn, resistant habits.
  • How to tap into the science of habit formation and eliminate the guesswork.
  • How to become a finisher and end 2021 on a high note.
  • Align your behavior with your goals and values.

Based on Charles Duhigg’s book The Power of Habit, learn the Cue-Routine-Reward sequence of habits, and how to improve, change, and redirect your habits to better serve you throughout the rest of 2021 and beyond.