Planners’ Picks, Anniversary Edition:
A collection of resources from CSN planning committee members worth mentioning
Can you believe it? Campus Supervisors Network has been publishing the Planners’ Picks newsletter for our audience each week since August 16, 2020. This collection of resources started out of our need to provide value to supervisors while not being able to have meetings and events during the early months of COVID. Since then, we have transitioned to hosting online events, including three very successful book clubs over the past 5 months. See our Past Events page to access materials and resources from Elevate by Robert Glazer, What Matters at Work by former UW-Madison facilitator Harry Webne-Behrman, and The Art of Caring Leadership by Heather Younger. You supply the book; we will supply the study materials and additional resources! To see all previous weeks of Planners’ Picks in our blog posts, click here:
A Very Special Thank You goes out to everyone on the CSN Planning Committee for their continued support and assistance with this group’s events, newsletter content, and networking with peers. This is truly a group effort to develop and host events like our recent book clubs, and I am eternally grateful for their help in serving the 1200 members of CSN over the past several years. If you are interested in being part of the planning committee, let us know; many hands make light work! – Rich Gassen, CSN Planning Committee Chair
This week we will focus on content from past CSN Book Club authors, talk about Trust, and Procrastination/Time Management tips.
||| Resources from previous CSN Book Club Authors |||
Heather Younger | Empathic Leadership
Join podcast host Scott Miller and author of The Art of Caring Leadership, Heather R. Younger, as she pulls from her years of interviews and experience to share strategies for becoming a more caring leader and the dynamic impact that can have in your workplace.
“Remove barriers to innovate thinking” – Author Heather Younger, The Art of Caring Leadership
Robert Glazer | How to Build Culture with a Virtual Team
Join John Corcoran on this episode of Smart Business Revolution Podcast as he talks with Robert Glazer, Founder and CEO of Acceleration Partners and author of the CSN book club book Elevate, about Robert’s work in affiliate partner marketing and how he grew an agency to over 170 employees. They also discuss things like building company culture, creating scorecards and KPIs for a virtual team, and what Robert has learned from doing a podcast.
Dan Pink’s PINKCAST 4.11: This is how to write emails that people won’t ignore.
WINFY. What. I. Need. From. You. This acronym can make you a more effective emailer, says Erica Dhawan, author of the new book Digital Body Language, who joins us for the latest Pinkcast. In a mere 152 seconds, Erica shares 3 super-smart, insanely practical tips for writing emails that people actually will read.
||| Resources on Time Management |||
Battling Procrastination? Use the Four Tendencies to Get Started, Especially When Working from Home
How often do we try and fail to work ourselves up to tackle some undesirable task? Nothing is more exhausting than the task that is never started, so dealing with procrastination frees up our energy and time, and gives us a big boost in mood.
Procrastination is always a challenge, but it’s perhaps more difficult, or at least different, now that so many more people are working from home. For many, it’s still not clear exactly what their future schedules will look like—all remote? all in person? hybrid?—but across professions, working in an office isn’t the same automatic, five-days-a-week assumption that it once was.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
To Be More Creative, Schedule Your Breaks
Research shows that scheduling when you take breaks or switch tasks encourages creativity and helps you find more insightful answers to problems you are solving. When you’re working on tasks that would benefit from creative thinking, consciously insert breaks to refresh your thinking. Set them at regular intervals — use a timer if you have to. When it goes off, switch tasks: organize your reimbursement receipts, check your email, or clean your desk, and then return to the original task. If you’re hesitant to break away because it feels like you’re “on a roll,” be mindful that it might be a false impression. We tend to generate redundant ideas when we don’t take regular breaks; ask yourself whether your latest ideas are qualitatively different. Finally, don’t skip your lunch breaks, and don’t feel guilty about taking breaks, especially when you are feeling stuck. Doing so may actually be the best use of your time.
6 Degrees of Delay: The Many Ways We Procrastinate, and How to Stop
There are a number of ways we procrastinate. Here’s how you can put an end to putting it off.
Your work project is due tomorrow… yet you’re on the couch, binge-watching Netflix. You know you need to call your parents, but you’re just too tired. Oh, and as for that hamper full of laundry that (still) needs to be folded? You’ll tackle it, later. We human beings know all about procrastination: the art of putting off what we need to or should do now — or maybe even yesterday. But putting off tasks inevitably hurts us, so why do we keep (not) doing it?
“Research shows that our brains are wired for procrastination to some extent — we are naturally programmed to value immediate pleasure and rewards over a delayed outcome,” explains Shefali Raina, a New York City-based high-performance coach. “Our brains like to default to existing habit loops and actions that take the least amount of effort.” Yet, recent research provides another way of understanding why we don’t always get things done in a timely manner.
Apparently, it’s not always our fault.
“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years go. The second best time is now.” – Proverb
||| Resources on Building Trust |||
Trust—How to Inspire Your Most Powerful Competitive Edge
Today, there is an insatiable need for both speed and a highly adaptable workforce adept at creating and managing change. Global networks of Millennial and Gen Z teams are replacing layers of Baby Boomer management, and the explosion of remote workers has all converged to make trust a significant contributor to the success of organizational transformation and performance. Yet, despite the crucial role of trust today and in the future, making trust measurable and actionable remains an enigma for most corporate leaders. The good news is that behavioral science provides a solution to the puzzle.
Tips from 3 Top Leadership Experts for Building Trust Post-Pandemic
This month, ConantLeadership hosted the first ever BLUEPRINT Leadership Summit, a meeting of the top leadership minds and luminaries in the business space, inspired by the insights in the book, The Blueprint: 6 Practical Steps to Lift Your Leadership to New Heights.
On the first day of this landmark event, Stephen M.R. Covey, renowned expert in workplace trust and author of The Speed of Trust, and Mette Norgaard, Founder of Strategic Leadership and Learning and bestselling co-author of TouchPoints, came together in conversation with ConantLeadership Founder and author of The Blueprint, Doug Conant, to talk about how to build trust in times of turbulence.
Enjoy the following smart tips for building trust post-pandemic, compiled from these three top leadership experts.
WD40 CEO Garry Ridge on Trust and Tribes and Serving Others
Garry Ridge has been leading WD40 for over 20 years, and has taken a tribal servant leadership approach to guiding his employees to the be the best they can be. Listen to this short video interview with him about his concepts of serving others. Very inspiring and he can point out the ROI on this style of management in the company’s success over the past two decades!